Jacaranda Family Dental

Jacaranda Family Dental became a DentiCare Provider in 2017 and have reported an increase in case acceptance as well as high team and patient satisfaction levels with the solution.

Jacaranda Family Dental is based in Gympie, Regional Queensland. Their dental clinic is dedicated to high quality, modern dentistry at a reasonable cost. Services provided by the clinic include dental dentistry, orthodontics, general dentistry, children’s dentistry, preventive dentistry and teeth whitening. Jacaranda Family Dental became a DentiCare Provider in 2017 and have reported an increase in case acceptance as well as high team and patient satisfaction levels with the solution.

What was important to you in considering a payment plan solution?

From a time management point of view, the direct debit system is very important so we don’t have to continuously check payments. Allowing us to spend our time more productively such as giving our patients more one on one time.

Why did you choose DentiCare to manage your patient payment plans?

We chose DentiCare because of their lovely staff over the phone who are always so helpful and informative as well as their prompt service and low fees for both the patient and our practice.

We measure our success with DentiCare by word of mouth referrals, patients creating new payment plans or amending their current one. Since they are coping well financially they can continue with their treatment plan. The experience with DentiCare has been positive to date.

How would you describe the support that is offered by DentiCare to your practice and patients?

DentiCare provides exceptional support which is also a strong positive point we make when speaking with patients before signing up. We like to tell patients, “DentiCare are lovely to deal with, always very helpful on the phone with clear phone conversations that are also not overly technical.”


Key statistics and results

Increase in new patients and patient referrals
Increase in case acceptance for high value treatment
Greater productivity and no need to chase payment

Like to learn more

With an expert on hand to help integrate DentiCare Payment Solutions into your practice, you’ll save time and make the change with ease.